Definition of cultural diversity pdf

Article 3 cultural diversity as a factor in development cultural. Culture and diversity are two words that both connotatively and denotatively refer to the state of uniqueness and variety. Cultural diversity definition, the cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in the world, a society, or an institution. Cultural diversity and information and communication impacts. What is cultural diversity an article by michael soon lee. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay.

Cultural diversity in the workplace is a result of practices, values, traditions, or beliefs of employees based on race, age. Diversity, equity, culture, affirmative action, equal employment opportunity. Having the individual, institutional, and cultural competence to address and support diversity efforts to the benefit of everyone takes diversity competence. Thus, in its universal declaration on cultural diversity, approved in paris in 2001 specifically as a reaction opposed to the expansion of u. Cultural diversity is here defined as heterogeneity of national cultures of team members.

The oxford dictionary defines cultural diversity as the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. Aluko, olabisi onabanjo university, nigeria abstract. If we all thought alike imagine how boring the world would be. Cultural diversity and health care cultural competence definition a set of congruent behaviors, practices, attitudes and policiesthat come together in a system or agency or among professionals, enabling effective work to be done in crosscultural situations. With growing diversity come benefits as well as complexity and increased risks for conflict. On the other hand, diversity is a state or quality of having many distinct types, forms, or ideas. In reference to cultural competency, diversity refers to having many kinds of attitudes, policies, and competent behaviours. People from diverse cultures bring language skills, new ways of thinking, creative solutions to difficult problems and negotiating skills. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve. Cultural diversity definition of cultural diversity by. To better prepare for these situations, nurses follow a cultural competence model to identify their own cultural health care beliefs, gain knowledge and skills about. Article 3 cultural diversity as a factor in development cultural diversity widens the range of options.

Demonstrate an increased understanding of interrelationships among race, culture, and ethnicity. So just knowing one persons cultural identity doesnt provide complete or reliable information about that person. The fact that we can eat so many different types of cuisine in the united states is. The cultural diversity lens 11 cultural diversity, a common heritage to be safeguarded, a process to be promoted, and a strategic lever for sustainable development, is a decisive issue for the twentyfirst century. Commonly used definitions of cultural diversity include racial, sexual, organizational, professional, and national heterogeneity. The term multicultural is often used as a descriptive term to characterize the fact of diversity in a society, but in what follows, the.

An nih study found that nurses who lack a firm grasp of cultural differences can experience stress and frustration when working with culturally diverse patients and their families. Investing in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue the united. Cultural diversity definition of cultural diversity at. After more than 30 years of advocacy in favour of culture and development, truly taking action and embed. Benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools 2 advantages. Diversity management, challenges and opportunities in multicultural organizations patrick a. Culture definition is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. Diversity occurs when people of different races, nationalities, religions, ethnicities, and philosophies come together to form a community. Jan 25, 2020 cultural diversity is when population differences are well represented within a community. Multiculturalism is the key to achieving a high degree of cultural diversity. The phrase cultural diversity is also sometimes used to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a. Examine the causes of cross cultural miscommunication and discover effective.

Pdf the reason why i was interested in writing a research paper on. Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. Examine ourselves as we relate to all forms of diversity. Information and translations of cultural diversity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. There are different definitions of culture, but the most important ones are as follows. Cultural diversity is a growing phenomenon that has increased attention and importance in the 21 st century. Indissociable from a democratic framework, cultural pluralism is conducive to cultural exchange and to the flourishing of creative capacities that sustain public life. Definition of cultural diversity in the definitions. Wikipedias definition of what is cultural diversity cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, as in the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. Examine the causes of crosscultural miscommunication and discover effective. The diversity within cultures probably exceeds the differences between cultures. At first glance, cultural diversity appears to be a redundant phrase.

Cultural diversity, communication, learning, cultural stratifications 1. Cultural diversity, knowledge diversity and innovation ub. Cultural diversity definition and conceptual perspective. Managing diversity is a key component of effective people management in the workplace black enterprise 2001. Public speaking cultural diversity definition cultural diversity or multiculturalism is the acceptance of the various ethnic cultures in schools, organizations, businesses, neighborhoods or cities. There are major facts and trends that maneuver this in the beginning of this century.

At the best, it involves treating impartially and fairly each ethnic group without promoting the particular beliefs or values of any group. In every culture there are basic standards for social interaction such as personal space distance, eye. Examine your own cultural identity and how that identity affects your relationships with others. Understand the value of diversity and how it relates to the workplace. From these different definitions the authors state their own definition of cultural diversity and national culture that will be followed throughout this paper. Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own. According to the 2016 census data, one third of australians were born overseas and nearly 50 per cent of australians have one or more parent born overseas.

A guide through the debate as these and other studies suggest, for an ethnography of educational diversity it is of. Diversity definition of diversity by merriamwebster. Thought for world trade, this soft law instrument meaning nonbinding clearly. Increase your awareness of the various dimensions of diversity. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the. A diversity issue exists when an issue policy or business practice formal, informal, internal, or external has a different impact on a particular group i.

The author describes diversity in a context of other, closely related concepts including. Culture is considered to be the underlying values that direct how people behave. Diversity and cultural competence in australian organisations australias cultural and linguistic diversity is increasing. Diversity definition is the condition of having or being composed of differing elements. Introduction culture is a word with many shades of meaning. Pdf on nov 10, 2019, cong lin published understanding cultural diversity and diverse. Examine the causes of cross cultural miscommunication and discover effective strategies for more effec tive methods of communicating. Many diversity plans give the word a comprehensive meaning, such as. Definitions of diversity jmc programs have created a smorgasbord of definitions for diversity. A truly diverse society is one that recognizes and values the. Cultural diversity is the term used to describe many different cultures coexisting within one larger culture. Job satisfaction is considered to be a significant factor driving organizational change and organizational learning, and it has consequentially continued to be an important area of cross disciplinary study. There are different definitions of culture, but the most important ones. In some organizations, diversity is strictly focused upon race, gender, religion, and disability status.

The differences can be based on gender, age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social status. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. As illustrated by this definition, diversity tends to be epitomized as cultural. Diversity is defined here in a broad sense as human groupings based on race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, religion, sexual orientation, learning styles, nationality and. Just think how boring a meal would be without chinese, mexican, japanese, italian, german, french or indian food. The publication of the unesco world report investing in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue is particularly timely. Diversity means more than just acknowledging andor tolerating difference.

Diversity management, challenges and opportunities in. Cultural diversity cultural psychology iresearchnet. Cultural diversity also makes our country stronger and better able to compete in the new global economy. These include race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Multiculturalism stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment. It happens more frequently to a particular group i. Importance of cultural diversity in the workplace deputy. Dying languages and urbanization are threats to cultural diversity.

The group is diverse if a wide variety of groups are represented. The idea of multiculturalism in contemporary political discourse and in political philosophy is about how to understand and respond to the challenges associated with cultural and religious diversity. This publication provides an overview of the concept of cultural diversity. Download this article pdf knowledge diversity muge ozman, erkan erdil june 20 and innovation. Download this article pdf cultural diversity is the term used to describe many different cultures coexisting within one larger culture. Stephen butler, cochair of the businesshigher education forum, believes diversity is an invaluable competitive asset robinson 2002. Cultural competence to develop cultural selfawareness and take the lead in establishing a twoway process of cultural learning that results in adapting professional interpretations and recommendations to the value system of students disability will be presented as an important component of cultural diversity in these trainings. The week one definition is not the same as current descriptions as a result of population change. Depending on the parameter space defined by the technological oppor tunities, cultural diversity and the knowledge diversity of the population, the model. Cultural diversity is a form of appreciating the differences in individuals. Unesco universal declaration on cultural diversity pdf.

Culture what is culture culture can be understood as a particular way of life, which expresses certain meanings and values not only in art and learning, but also in institutions and ordinary behavior. Cultural diversity makes the united states a much more interesting place in which to live for all of its inhabitants. Culture is a set of norms that set standards for a society of what is acceptable behavior. Diversity is nothing more than a difference from the majority. Culturaldiversity,knowledgediversityand innovation mugeozmananderkanerdil. Cultural diversity has become a hotbutton issue when. Cultural diversity includes but is not restricted to. In an organization, it is the policies and practices. Diversity can generally be defined as recognising, understanding and accepting individual differences irrespective of their race, gender, age, class, ethnicity, physical ability, race. Cultural diversity and information and communication. Diversity management is the active and conscious development of a future oriented, value driven strategic, communicative and managerial. Knowing anothers cultural identity does, however, help you understand the opportunities and challenges that. What is cultural diversity an article by michael soon. In 2016, there were over 300 separately identified.

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